1. Exemption Statement: The Policies of the Board of Governors requires all institutions conferred exemption with respect to religious education to prominently display the exemption statement in all relevant institutional publications. The statement should read:
Degree programs of study offered by Jacksonville Bible College Inc, have been declared exempt from the requirements for licensure, under provisions of North Carolina General Statutes Section (G.S.) 116-15 (d) for exemption from licensure with respect to religious education. Exemption from licensure is not based upon assessment of program quality under established licensing standards.
2. Student Complaints: The Licensure Division of the University of North Carolina General Administration serves as the official state entity to receive complaints concerning post-secondary institutions that are authorized to operate in North Carolina. Your institution is required to provide information to students concerning the following student complaint process for the state of North Carolina:
If students are unable to resolve a complaint through the institution’s grievance procedures, they may review the Student Complaint Policy, complete the Student Complaint Form (PDF) located on the State Authorization webpage
at https://www.northcarolina.edu/
North Carolina Post-Secondary Education Complaints c/o Student Complaints
University of North Carolina General Administration 910 Raleigh Road, Chapel Hill, NC 27515-2688