Traditional colleges and accrediting agencies have established the following guidelines for the maximum credit received for life, work, and ministry experience:
- Associate Degree- 50% or 45 credit hours
- Bachelor Degree-25% or 30 credit hours
- Master Degree-10% or 10 credit hours
- Doctoral Degree- 60 academic credit hours required; no life, work, or ministry credits.
There is no charge for transfer credits to JBC. Certificates, diplomas, grades, CEU credits and US Military Services are also given consideration.
Theological Theses or Doctoral dissertation- published or unpublished- will be considered but not required. One may have more academic/life experience credits than the minimum required-many applicants do. It is the policy of JBC that the student must satisfactorily complete a minimum of one semester of (20 credits) to earn desired degree. You may take the maximum credit hours for that degree with no additional charge.